14 febbraio 2014


One of the barriers is the lack of online culture by the management, frightened by the absence of hierarchical barrier of modern means of socialization. What can we do? Let’s speak about them with NICOLA FAVINI – DG LODOTEL www.logotel.it |@ilnikkio

My answer is an example. 

Event:  a management convention of 300 people for a World Insurance Bank . We have created a format that we have named " Weeting": instead of meeting with me, we stress the we-point-of-view in a “Weeting”. A format that we have created and suggest to adopt if you plan events and content that are intended to stimulate participation.There are some speech , but what is that thing that is missing in most of events? The possibility for people to think . Final Q&A are often pitiful time waste. Then we twisted logic. We create a sandwich: we are constantly on three stages. An inspirational starting speech for beginning: a manager speaks for 15-20 minutes ( because, as the TED teaches, you can say clever things even in 15 minutes); in the middle a moment of collaboration for small groups: 10 minutes given to participants to go in deep among themselves about what they heard , and finally a moment of discussion; 15 minutes of conversation between the speaker and the audience. Since we use this format I have not encountered the problem of stupid questions or provocative/controversial intervention. If the keynote speech is inspirational, the questions that are accessing the discussion are inspirational. If the speaker is not inspired, edgy or stupid, there come out boring, edgy, silly questions. Carryover then the responsibility to those who do the speech.What happens online? Let’s say a weeting live. Again, much depends on the moment and content.

Happy to say this is an application of the 360 cycle aproach Steen Elsborg/Ib Ravn suggested in Learning meetings and Conferences in Practice [2007]: From Top/Down (KNote Speakers), to Peer2Peer, to Botton Up......all together in a Weeting!


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Grazie @GamEventing