23 marzo 2014

Virtual Meeting vs Physical Gathering. The New Rule is Design.

Last section of my conversation with NICOLA FAVINI – DG LODOTEL www.logotel.it |@ilnikkio 
Ross Dawson, author of Living Networks, wrote: “anyone who has had actual experience of video conferencing will say that it is easier to collaborate remotely with people with whom we spent time together to know each other physically”. What do you think?

I confirm. You cannot approach just looking at technology or costs. Communication, we know, is not only based on the content. It is based on the way, the emotions, the feeling, on odors .....

Interesting! Dawson also said that the videoconference will never replace the meeting due to the processes and physical stimuli associated with the ocular pulse and the perception of pheromones!

If you want to continue to meet the people , you must let them doing or saying things that cannot be replaced by online sessions. If they just have to listen to the numbers, or reed slides, it no longer makes sense to meet. Don’t be a slave to a container or a traditional format that you have to fill.
In some events, after a while, people “switch off” the brain and play with your smartphone begins to be more sex-appealing: this is not a physical experience but mortification of attention. Even a large audience can no longer stand for more than an hour and half now. People like  to study, to work on a problem, to compete with colleagues, to sweat together, to explore creativity. Physical events will always be more expensive but also more and more important if we use them to convey the content, to lift the emotions on which we want to build a storyboard. A beautiful video conference is great to inform and to take collective decisions. It is said that every time you meet my people you have to pass information or make decisions. Maybe I have to create something. I have to help people to share a new sense, to work on new skills, to interact with each other, to see, to relax, to take the foot off the accelerator and take a moment of reflection or a time to talk. Then the physical event has meaning. Today, traveling makes sense if you use it to do different things that you did not before.

In the next 10 years there will be more innovative tools and support, but if need to think and collaborate we can still do it on the paper tablecloths as well. We pre-print them with some designs so that people can write, sketch, co-create mind maps, use SWOT graphs and put solution on the wall for dot voting ideas by using post-it! You get up from the table while there are speech. There are moments of reflection, barcamp like.

The new rule is Design. Design is multidisciplinary: we do not have in house only creative, but all components and all skills. If you want to understand the complexity you must look at the picture from many points of view and create shared content.

The problem with many Events Agencies and managers is to have the power point at the scheduled time to review and adjust them to the format to put them on the air. My problem is the content of that same power point. We are not starting from the product but the utility of the experience and the value we create for the company.